Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera Reviews

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Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 4.1
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Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera

Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera Overview:

  • Day/night 46-infrared LED trail camera captures still or video images of wildlife
  • 50-foot nighttime range; select the number of active LEDs (more night range or battery life)
  • 1.5-second trigger speed out of sleep; 0.3-second trigger speed when active; multi-shot bursts of 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 images per triggering
  • Large backlit LED screen; instructions printed on camera door
  • Supports up to an eight gigabyte SD card; one-year warranty

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Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera

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Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
49 Reviews
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66 of 67 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it, when it worked, October 2, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera (Sports)
Well about two weeks ago i purchased this camera... it was much much better than my Wildgame innovations s2, until it went insane:
I came out to check the pictures and it had 15 (3burst shots, brought the SD card up to the house and had lots of nice night photos on it... brought the sd back to the camera. loaded it and went to arm the camera and it starts taking pics w/o counting down like its supposed to, so i went into it and tried fixing settings but it takes pics about every 5 seconds so you cant get anywhere... it now just freezes the screen and takes pics... i even turned it upside down on the floor and you can hear the faint click it makes about every 5 seconds... anyways working on that with Primos ATM, hopefully i just got a dud. so your wondering why i gave this a 5 star review at this point, well here's why:
-Takes awesome night pictures!
-Trigger time is very fast... birds can't even escape it's grasp
-it is very simple to use/set up and has... Read more
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21 of 22 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars I'd buy another, September 26, 2010
This review is from: Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera (Sports)
I've been using my new TC46 and would like to comment on it.
I selected the TC46 because of it's "better than most" construction, it's 46 LED's, it's high level of features and the name Primos on front.
- Programing is easy
- Triggering seems to working well
- I like the seal design on the TruthCam.
- Easily lockable

- To make it function properly, I've had to use all the 46 LEDs and 5.0MP settings.
- With these settings, battery life is poor.

After placing the cam at my hunting location, the next day I was delighted to see over 60 pictures registering on the readout. While I had the sensitivity too high and got some nuisance trips, I had over 20 pictures of "blackness". That was even with the 46led setting. This is unacceptable since it should of at least picked up a tree at 5' away. I have gotten good night pics from the cam on other evenings. It looks like night pics at 50% battery are not... Read more
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15 of 15 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera, December 12, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Primos Truth Cam 46 Camera (Sports)
This camera has worked well for me. With rechargeable batteries, I've taken 429 photos in a week and still had 50% of the battery life left. As for the external power port, I tried it, but the battery didn't last as long as the internal rechargeables did! If someone has a solar panel the external power might be a good option.

The camera is sometimes slow switching between day and night photos. At dusk the photos are sometimes too dark and at dawn they may be white(I have another brand that does the same thing). However the trigger speed is very fast capturing animal movement easily.

One thing I don't like is the limited delay choices for taking photos. There is only a 1 minute delay and 30 minute delay option between shots, none in between. Other cameras I have offer a 5 and 10 minute delay.

Overall, this is a good camera. I've used it now for 8 weeks and captured some great buck photos!! I would definitely recommend it to a friend... Read more
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