Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W Reviews

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You can buy Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W. Also read our Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W reviews before you decide to buy Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W Reviews

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Rating: 3.9
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Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W

Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W Overview:

  • High image & video quality,Two-way audio monitoring
  • Remote viewing & record from anywhere anytime with Pan/Tilt control (Pan:300°& Tilt:120°)
  • Auto IR-LED illumination for night vision (up to 25 ft.)
  • Support IE browser or any other standard browsers
  • 9dbi Antenna gives 3x signal strength

Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W Reviews, On Sale Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W, buy Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W, Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W best buy, Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W Discount, Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W For Sale

Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W

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Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W Reviews
Customer Reviews
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38 of 42 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars i've been misled by the title of the product, May 16, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W (Electronics)
first of all, the cameras are great and the price was right . .. but the title says "foscam new version FI8918w pan & tilt wireless ip camera + bonus 9dbi antennas - infrared night vision, 2 way audio, motion detection email alert, windows and mac compatible, black, 2 pack kit" . . . i never received the "bonus 9dbi antennas" (these antennas are clearly twice in length from the standard ones from the pic). . . after calling and sending some emails back and forth, they said they would send me the antennas . . pretty excited at this point, but really disappointed when i opened the package to see 2 standard antennas that already came with the cameras . . . i'm not gonna pursue this anymore b/c it's a waste of my time and the cameras seem to work ok considering they're pretty far from the router . . . part of the reason why i went with this purchase was because of the +9 dbi antennas and i didn't even get that, but . . .

the cameras are awesome for the price and they do a lot... Read more
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18 of 18 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Second purchase, May 22, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W (Electronics)
This is the second purchase of this camera for me. This time I bought 2 to replace 2 Linksys GCA54W cameras. I was quite pleased with the first one, I was a little unsettled by the fact that one of these cameras had obviously been a return. I had to reset it back to factory specs and it was out of focus. I had to refocus it which took some doing because of a slight delay between adjustment and appearance on the monitor. Once I had them mounted, they have worked well. I like the fact that I can turn them to see other angles. I have not gotten the speaker/microphone set up to work satisfactorily and I understand that there is a fix that requires soldering! I am capable of that, but it is not for the faint of heart. There are also some legal issues of being able to monitor conversations. You must use IE to take advantage of all of the bells and whistles because it needs activeX controls which are not built into Firefox. All in all I am pleased and would recommend this camera to anyone... Read more
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13 of 13 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Foscam 8918W? Awesome., July 7, 2011
darkmoon (Greensboro, NC) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Foscam Pan & Tilt Wireless IP Camera with 9bdi antennas 2 pack FI8918W (Electronics)
Okay. I have to say that I've researched a lot of cams before hitting on the Foscam 8918W and I bought one to play with... mainly to keep an eye on our cats. And you know what? It works fantastic! There is a little bit of a color issue if you really want to get picky about the meh CMOS sensor, but overall, there's not many pan-tilt/remote cams that you can get with color and night vision for about $90USD. And because we were so happy with the first one, we decided to get a two-pack that had some 9db antennas with them. I'm not sure if I'll need the 9db boost, but since they use reverse SMA connectors (I believe that's what it is, but I didn't look closely at them yet), you could use those on a wireless device.

All in all, very happy with these Foscam cams. The only thing that I would probably say takes some time is the configuration. It's not the worst thing in the world if you've configured network devices, but if you've never done it, there's a little bit of a... Read more
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