Buy Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera at Discount Price
You can buy Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera. Also read our Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera reviews before you decide to buy Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera Overview:
- 8-megapixel Night Vision trail camera with invisible 32-LED flash for 24-hour game scouting
- 45-foot PIR motion activated sensor and flash range
- Field Scan time-lapse technology allows you preset automatic image capture intervals
- High-quality full color resolution during the daylight and black and white at night
- Captures video of up to 60 seconds with audio; 32GB SD card compatible
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Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Brown Night Vision Trail Camera Reviews
125 of 128 people found the following review helpful ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Night Vision Trail Camera (Sports) I received this product and am very pleased. I've had a lot of luck with these small Bushnell cameras. Battery life is great and trigger speed is also quite good. For clarification, this IS the 2011 model with the field scan. Up to 8 Meg images. My only semi negative feedback would be that with field scan you can only set one time period, so if you are going to take images during the morning and evening periods you basically have to include the entire day or the entire night. The entire night would definitely wear down the batteries (IR flash). I imagine it is a simple software fix that Bushnell will put out in the future. I own Moultries at the same price point and far prefer my Bushnells. I simply can't choke out the cash for the Reconyx cameras. They are entirely too pricey to have a sufficient quantity of them to try to understand the deer herd on the size property where I hunt. I can get five Bushnells for the price of two Reconyx. My Bushnell from last season stood... Read more 55 of 55 people found the following review helpful ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Night Vision Trail Camera (Sports) I have owned several diffferent trail cams over the past 5 years. Some good, some just fair, some bad. The battery life and the fire up response time to take a picture is very important. I recently purchased 2 of these bushnell trail cams. Both the battery life and the response time for the Bushnell are excellent. Battery life is awesome, and the trigger time is so quick I rarely miss a picture. I can honestly say this is the best trail cam I have ever owned. 118 of 125 people found the following review helpful ![]() By JP Vic "Bee Guy" (NE, Ohio - USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Bushnell 8MP Trophy Cam Night Vision Trail Camera (Sports) II have three trailcams from Bushnell, two earlier models and this new one. This one is the 2011 model that has audio (not really important), a timer to take a picture (field scan), and can handle 32GB memory cards.I also own three other trail cams from Moultrie a M-60, I-40 and a D-50. I had a cuddleback two years ago, and it worked fine, but it got destroyed (tree fell on it). I do not own the new Moultrie M-100, which seems very similar to this Bushnell, but this is the first year for the M-100 and I bet they will have software issues. This is the 3rd year for Bushnell and they have this camera dialed-in very well. The biggest issue with my older Moultrie cams is battery life. They need feed 6 D cells about once a month. The price of the batteries start to add up, but mostly the issue is going out to a dead trailcam and wondering what pictures you missed. A battery life of 1-year for just 8 AA is great. Aside from battery life, all these... Read more |
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