Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack Reviews

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Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 4.4
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Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack

Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack Overview:

  • Side Entry Compartment provides easy access to D-SLR equipment and accessories, even when pack is being worn
  • Triple Compartment Design ensures superior camera protection, notebook protection (fits up to a 15.4" Widescreen)
  • 180-Degree access panel with adjustable dividers provides excellent protection in a customized fit that's easy to load.
  • Outer accessory pockets provide external storage for other accessories with fast access
  • Tough, water-resistant outer fabric protects against moisture and abrasion

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Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack

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Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack Reviews

Customer Reviews
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271 of 271 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Almost just right..., April 10, 2008
Brett Despain (Draper, UT USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack (Electronics)
Almost just right..., April 10, 2008
By Brett Despain (Draper, UT USA) - See all my reviews

Still looking for the perfect bag...this one comes very close. I own a Lowepro Compurover AW and a Tamrac Adventure 9 bag. The Compurover is too heavy and you have to crack it open like an egg to get to the Camera compartment. The Tamrac is the perfect size, but you have to take the bag off and lay it on the ground or your lap to open the camera compartment, otherwise you risk spilling out all of your gear! Not good.

This Fastpack 250 intrigued me because the side access pocket allows access to your camera quickly without taking the backpack off. Guess what? it works. You really can get your camera out quickly while still wearing the bag.

I bought this as strictly a travel bag. I'm a pilot so I needed a medium sized bag that I could fit in the cockpit while carrying my 40D and 3 L lenses. I also need the top compartment of the bag to carry a few snacks,... Read more
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96 of 97 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Personal Item Size/ Safe and Convenient...ROCKS!!!, May 3, 2008
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
Lowepro quality and organization evident. This bag will NOT do or haul EVERYTHING but meets my needs for now. I have several digital camera bags(my wife might read this so i'll leave it at that) and i needed a bag to carry a "loaded" Canon 70-200 2.8 L II IS on my 7D body. The bag does this well with the hood still backwards but the remaining lenses can't have on hoods in the lower compartment. This bag flew with me as my "personal item" and my carry on suitcase to Phoenix for a Grand Canyon (yes, i went down into the Canyon with it minus my Macbook), Joshua Tree NP, and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

In the bag: Macbook 17", 7D,5D, Canon 70-200 2.8 L II IS, Canon 100mm Macro, Canon 24-105mm L IS, Hoods for these 3 lenses, Domke Protective Wrap, Canon 1.4 extender, extra caps, extra flash cards, camera manual, extra eye cup, lumquest soft screen, cleaning cloths and lens pen, Op/Tech Rainsleeve, case with circular polarizing filter, battery charger, spare battery, 4G... Read more
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68 of 70 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars vs the slingshot 200, May 29, 2008
Christopher Lee (La, Jolla, CA USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Lowepro Fastpack 250 Camera/Laptop Backpack (Electronics)
I was considering the Lowepro slingshot 200 and the Fastpack 250, and boy am I glad I went with the fastpack. Here's a quick side by side comparison:

1. Camera storage compartment: pretty much identical between the two models.
2. Ease of Access: Much easier and more comfortable for the fastpack; just let go of the right strap and swing the bag around. The slingshot swings around and ends up on your chest, pretty awkward feeling/looking; the fastpack ends up near your left waist, allowing you to suavely draw your slr.
3. Size: the fastpack is bulkier than the slingshot, though not by much.
4. Price: the same for both models.

Other random fastpack 250 notes:
1. Laptop storage compartment: the zipper opens along the side, not around the whole backpack.
2. Cellphone pocket: my samsung t-629 fits very snugly.
3. I use this bag for school, storing a slim folder in the laptop pocket, and a couple of 8x6 books in the top compartment.
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